Born to Rust Video: Raid Denied

OperatorDan and his buddies interrupt a raid attempt on a Ghost tower. What follows is a pretty entertaining gunfight. Freecam footage below. Enjoy!

2/29 Edit:

Here’s a second video of the gunfight — this one is from a player’s perspective (courtesy of OperatorDan). It’s really cool to see it from both angles and have the commentary of the players to go along with it!

Server Update: 2/11/16

Happy Thursday!

Once again, no major gameplay changes this week. Metal facemasks are a bit less powerful. Code locks do more damage if you guess wrong. Also, stone/wood walls have less hit points. You can read all the details at FP’s the devblog here.

On other news, we hit 30 consecutive players today for the first time ever. Crazy! Nice work everyone! Glad you’re all digging the server and having a good time.

Here’s a summary of stuff the devs included in this update. Have a good week all!

New rock/concrete melee impact sounds
Enabled server violation score kicking by default
Re-enabled prefab pooling (performance)
Made pool.prefabs and pool.assets console commands take an optional filter argument
Fixed invisible external wall gate doors in the distance
Tweaked external wall gate LOD ranges
Fixed invisible barricades in the distance
Converted all deployables to the planner system (quality of life)
Fixed decay points on interior foundations being buggy and unreliable
Improved server side building decay performance
Fixed various deployable placement exploits on walls and rocks
Allowed tree.quality and mesh.quality convars to be > 100
Made mesh and tree qualities > 100 push back billboard and cull distances
Wall frame inserts do the same construction layer checks as walls
Removed hand snapping into view on hatchet vm attack & hit anims
Fixed some shader bugs in large monuments
Fixed low resolution terrain rocks
Fixed runtime shader errors causing invisible objects on Linux
Fixed culling not working properly on some objects
Fixed helicopter windows and rotors now fade into fog properly
Fixed horse hair to not fading into fog properly
Improved and optimized rainfall shader
Improved anti-aliasing
Tweaked important textures to work with trilinear filtering and anisotropic
Increased resolution on some props with extremely low resolution textures
Improved skin shader
Brought back and improved shore wetness
Metal facemask protection levels lowered to that of chestplate 
Codelock does higher shock damage for wrong codes
External wall health balance
Removed traps deployables from common loot table (bp only)
Added skins
Fixed DDOS amplification exploit in steam query
Updated weapon mod icons
Added "ent who" command for admins (echos entity creator)
Fixed calling some RPCs when dead
Added command "clear" to clear the console
Added command "copy" to copy the console to clipboard
Updated EAC
Updated to Unity 5.3.2p3